Ellen Sandell speaking in Parliament

Get dirty money and dodgy deals out of politics

Our democracy shouldn’t be placed in the hands of greedy gambling giants, fossil fuel companies or property developers with self-serving interests.

Since I was elected, I’ve been fighting to get dirty money and dodgy deals out of politics.

My wins for integrity in politics include:

  • Successfully campaigned to cap donations from individual donors to political parties at $4210 over 4 years.
  • Introduced an integrity and anti-corruption Bill to Parliament that would impose strict rules on lobbying of politicians and empower Victoria’s anti-corruption commission to investigate MP behaviour.
  • Introduced a motion calling on the government to get rid of the undemocratic ‘group voting tickets’ system, which leads to dodgy ‘preference harvesting’ and people being elected with less than 1% of the vote in Victoria. Our motion was unfortunately voted down by both Labor and the Liberals.
  • Introducing a Bill to ban donations from property developers, which was unfortunately voted down by Labor and the Liberals.

I’m fighting for:

  • A ban on donations to politicians, Councillors and candidates from the gambling, fossil fuel and property development industries – to keep corruption out of our politics.
  • Ending ‘group voting tickets’ in Victoria’s upper house. This is a type of voting that is undemocratic and leads to people being elected with less than 1% of the vote due to dodgy preference deals.
  • Strengthening the powers of Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission to investigate MPs, ministers, staffers and lobbyists.
  • Making the diaries of ministers and parliamentary secretaries public, so we can all see who’s meeting with senior MPs. Other states already do this.
  • Stopping the revolving door between ministers and lobbying, to prevent politicians bouncing straight from parliament into lucrative lobbyist jobs.
  • Limiting Crown Casino’s increasing political influence, which it has gained through donations and corporate connections at the expense of the Victorian community.
  • Establishing a Parliamentary Integrity Commissioner right now, to oversee MP standards, the lobbyist register, and investigate potential code of conduct breaches.
  • Making our Victorian Parliament more democratic so cross-bench MPs and independents can introduce Bills, speak on motions and actually debate Bills from the Government. These activities are currently not-allowed in Victoria’s lower house, making it the most un-democratic Parliament in the whole of Australia.

Find out more about the Greens’ plan to restore integrity to Victorian Parliament here

Get dirty money and dodgy deals out of politics


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