A woman standing in a forest looking up at the trees

Protect and restore nature

People depend on a healthy environment to thrive.

But in Victoria we are facing an extinction crisis, many of our ecosystems are on the brink of collapse and plastic pollution is still a huge problem.

We urgently need to turn the tide on environmental destruction, but the Labor and Liberal parties are only making the crisis worse. Labor still supports native forest logging, continues to allow barbaric duck hunting and is failing to fund vital programs that could restore habitat and protect threatened species.

With real commitment and funding, we can turn things around. That’s what I’m fighting for.

My wins for nature include:

  • An end to native forest logging in Jan 2024 with a transition plan to move workers into new jobs.
  • Working with the local community and environment groups to protect the unique wetland environment of Westernport Bay from a new gas terminal
  • Stopping the East West Link toll road from ripping up Royal Park and further contributing to climate pollution from thousands of cars.
  • Securing new laws for a cash-for-cans scheme for Victoria and the ban of many single-use plastic items including plastic bags, cutlery, plates, and polystyrene food containers
  • Establishing a Parliamentary Inquiry into Victoria’s extinction crisis to shine a light on the issue and identify solutions
  • Protecting endangered hooded plovers from race horse training on beaches in Western Victoria
    Securing new funding for rangers to look after our national parks.

I’m fighting for:

  • A $1 billion per year Zero Extinction Fund to fund the recovery of Victoria’s 2,000 native species facing extinction.
  • A ban on new oil and gas drilling in our oceans and an end to coal burning in Victoria by 2030 to protect people and the planet from climate change.
  • A ban on more single-use plastics, including coffee cups, free plastic bags, excess packaging on fruit and veg, take away containers and fruit stickers, with a one year lead time to make sure alternatives are readily available. Click here for more info on the Greens’ plan for waste and recycling.
  • A $200 million fund to enable Traditional Owners to buy back private land, so it can be cared for, restored and protected by First Nations people.
  • Double the funding for our National Parks management, a target for 10% of Victorian waters protected in marine parks, and more rangers and Indigenous Rangers dedicated to conservation and Caring for Country.
  • Revitalisation of the Moonee Ponds creek and funding for bee gardens across Melbourne to create more green space and urban habitat in our inner city suburbs.
  • Strong nature laws and a stronger environmental assessment processes that actually stop destructive projects.

Find out more about the Greens’ plan to protect and restore nature in Victoria.

Protect and restore nature


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