July was the hottest month ever recorded!

2 Sep 2023

A screenshot of a video of Ellen Sandell MP speaking in Parliament

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July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth. Worsening fires, floods and heatwaves are destroying lives and homes the world over.

As we head towards what’s set to be another very hot summer in Australia, I’m really scared. The 2020 bushfires are still raw in our memories. Our communities, forests and wildlife can’t cope with another bushfire season. 

What makes this situation even more terrifying is that the Labor State Government isn’t even doing the bare minimum to stop climate change from making weather events worse. They’re still supporting new coal and gas in our state.

I spoke about this recently in Parliament and it seems to have resonated with people as the video has been watched by more than 50,000 people. You can watch it here.

Right now, the Greens and I are joining environment groups and the Gippsland community in the fight to stop a new coal project – a coal project that Labor is supporting! They want to turn brown coal into hydrogen and export it to Japan – a process which is just as dirty and polluting as burning brown coal. 

If it goes ahead, this project will extend the life of Victoria’s coal power stations (at a time when we should be working to transition away from them) and pump out millions of tons of emissions. 

We’ve had more than 3,500 signatures to stop this new coal project. Will you add your name? Sign the petition now.

The fact that Labor is supporting new coal in the midst of a climate crisis is absolutely criminal. I’ve been fighting for climate action for more than 20 years, and now, as a mother to 3 young children, I’m more motivated than ever. 

I know that Victorians want a renewable-powered, climate-safe future and as your MP, I’m proud to be able to fight for that future in Parliament.


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