What a way to end 2022! Yesterday, 8 Greens entered Parliament for the first time!
Thanks to your support, the Victorian Greens made history as we doubled our representation in Parliament.
As 2022 comes to a close, I wanted to look back on some key moments from this year with you. While there’s still so much work to be done to create a more sustainable and equal future, we made some great progress this year.

We introduced a bill to end homelessness in Victoria by 2030.
Our bill adopts a ‘Housing First’ approach to homelessness, and would see a big build in public housing to ensure all Victorians have a place to call home.
We’ll keep pushing for this in 2023.

The historic Yoorrook Justice Commission began
Finally, First Nations people have a platform to have the truth heard, and with deeper understanding and compassion, we have hope for change and a better future for all.
This is a step forward for First Nations justice in our state. Next, let’s raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 and reform bail laws.

Big wins for our local community
Alongside the efforts of locals, I’m so pleased to have helped achieve some great wins for our community, including:
- $8.4 million for Carlton North Primary School
- Road safety upgrades around Docklands Primary School (I’m still pushing for more)
- Royal Parade (southbound) and Flemington Road earmarked for pop-up bike lanes (and I’m still pushing for permanent safe, separated bike lanes)
- A second campus for North Melbourne Primary School will open mid next year
- Funding for greening the Melbourne General Cemetery
- Reopening community rooms in public housing buildings after they were closed for 2 years
- Free Rapid Antigen Tests for kinder kids at the height of the pandemic

We stopped homes being forced to connect to gas
About 10 days after we introduced a bill to parliament calling for an end to compulsory connection to climate-destroying gas – the government announced that new homes built in Victoria will no longer have to be connected to gas.
Greens in parliament push the government further and faster on climate action!

A Greenslide in the Federal election
Our federal colleagues achieved a monumental Greenslide in the Federal election, and I was so happy to see my Greens colleague Adam Bandt re-elected for the seat of Melbourne. With Greens elected in state, federal and local government, the people of Melbourne have a strong team representing you and fighting for a future for all of us.

We fought for integrity in politics
In August, we introduced our Strengthening Integrity Bill.
A healthy democracy depends on stronger, more transparent laws. The Labor Government needs to finally decide to do something about it – they can start by passing our bill.

Refugees and asylum seekers finally freed from the Park Hotel
Although this was a federal government decision, the Greens in Victoria and I consistently pushed the Labor Government here in Victoria to advocate strongly to the federal government to release refugees and asylum seekers from the Park Hotel – and we were so relieved when they were finally released this year. Some had been held in hotel detention for more than 9 years.
The Greens will always fight to end indefinite detention and implement more compassionate policies for refugees and asylum seekers.

We doubled our Greens power in Victorian Parliament
The highlight of the year? I can’t go past the defining moment that was the Victorian State election!
Thank you so much to all of you who helped re-elect me for another term. I’m so proud to continue to represent the diverse and passionate people of Melbourne.
With 4 re-elected Greens MPs, and 4 passionate new Greens MPs, we’ve doubled our power to fight for climate action, affordable housing and integrity.
We couldn’t have accomplished so much without you {agc.preferred_name}. Thank you for being a part of this movement and making it possible for us to continue to serve our community.
And before the year ends, we’re already getting to work.
In our very first week back in Victorian Parliament, your Greens MPs introduced a Bill to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14, fought to end undemocratic group voting tickets, and to stop logging in Victoria’s native forests.

Oh, and I had a baby!
And of course, a personal highlight for me was the birth of my son Luca, who has already joined me in Parliament and given me even more reason to keep fighting for action on climate change to protect our kids; future.
Thank you so much for all your support in 2022.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season.
See you in the new year!