Ellen's Story

I love Melbourne and our community, full of people who care deeply about diversity and fairness.

Ellen Sandell standing in a laneway smiling to camera

I'm a Kensington local with three young children.

Before I entered Victorian Parliament, I was the CEO of a national climate change non-profit organisation. My training as a scientist, and having grown up in country Victoria during the drought, gave me a determination to do all I could to help tackle the climate crisis.

Now I’m fighting for action on climate change, housing affordability, a fairer society and a more liveable Melbourne inside the Victorian Parliament.

Along with Melbourne’s federal MP, Adam Bandt, and our local Councillors, we work together to keep Melbourne liveable and stand up for our community’s values of fairness, equality, diversity and care.

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Stay in touch!

Supporters like you are the reason we have such strong representation and you play a crucial role in helping us create change. Please keep in touch as we work together for a cleaner, fairer Melbourne.

It’s an honour to serve you and the people of Melbourne.

2 people taking a selfie

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