Kensington Banks flood zones: Latest updates

21 Jun 2024

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Recent flood re-modelling by Melbourne Water has re-classified over 900 homes in Kensington Banks as a flood risk. Residents are now deeply concerned about the risk to their homes and the associated financial burden. I’ve been working with the community and advocating for answers and compensation.

Thank you to all those who have contacted me, or attended my community meeting.

Here is an update on the actions we have taken recently.

My actions in Parliament

  • I moved a motion to refer the issue of Kensington Banks to the Ombudsman for a special inquiry. The Ombudsman, who is independent from the state Government, will now be required to undertake this work, including public hearings. This will give us a good platform to use to push for lasting solutions for our neighbourhood. If you wish to, you can read the transcript of the debate here, and see where all political parties stood. Join our mailing list (see below) for updates on this inquiry.
  • I asked the Premier to take action on Kensington Banks in Parliament which you can view here. The Premier is required to respond in writing to my call for action within 30 days, I’ll share it when I get it!
  • My colleague, Sarah Mansfield, asked the Minister for Water whether the government will take any action to support Kensington Banks residents. You can read her response here.
  • I am also pushing for the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into insurance and climate risk to come to Kensington for public hearings, to put further spotlight on our neighbourhood.

Melbourne Water

I recently met with Melbourne Water and asked a lot of your questions from the community meeting. I have also sent them a series of follow-up questions and have asked that they provide answers publicly so they can be shared with the community. I will share them as soon as I receive them.


  • ABC’s 7.30 covered the issue. Watch it here.
  • The ABC published an article here.
  • I spoke to Ali Moore on Drive radio about this earlier this week. Listen here (skip to 1:56:00)
  • The Age also published an article about Kensington homeowners being forced to find out how much their home will be flooded, and my call for this cost to be covered by Melbourne Water. Read it here.

How to take action

Join the mailing list

Please send an email to [email protected] and ask to be added to the Kensington flood zones mailing list.

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